20x20 shade canopy installation over sandbox
Shade for sandboxes and play areas
Gaga Ballpit for play
Gaga Ball is dodgeball within an octagon. Ours are 20×20’.
Wood tunnel and play structures for toddlers
Custom-built wooden tunnel for toddlers
Mud kitchen with 2 bowls and shelves, by Fred's Fences
Barriers to deter stray balls or wild children
Mud Kitchens and outdoor tables
Mud kitchen, outdoor play for kids, Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas
Custom wood play tunnels for kids by Fred's Fences
This one was 6’ in length
Stools and stepping blocks, custom-made by Fred's Fences
Stools an blocks for small children
Buddy Bench or custom bench seating, by Fred's Fences
Buddy Bench
Shade canopies by Fred's Fences
Shade canopies for kids
Double gates provide access into yard
Converting section of fence to maintenance access
Imagination bridges for discovery and play, by Fred's Fences
Wood, stained with detail to craftsmanship; durability in mind
Balance beams for small children
Custom-made balance beams for age-appropriate use
Custom sandboxes to fit required space
Sandbox for outdoor play
Custom designed cedar bench installed permanent
Bench seating
Creative shade strategies around trees, by Fred's Fences
Custom octagon structure to get shade to the kiddies below
Tree planter and bench seating, by Fred's Fences
Custom bench seating for tree surrounds
Custom play walkways or pathways
Made from actual railroad ties
Mud kitchen with double sink for imagination play
Artificial turf supply and installation, by Fred's Fences
Custom stage with shade pergola by Fred's Fences
Raised gardens to all designer spec
Repair, reuse or new construction of garden beds for commercial
Custom triangular deck to fit space with pergola for shade
Decks or platforms for outdoor play
Custom mud kitchens by Fred's Fences
Mud kitchen for outdoor play
Outdoor play solutions by Fred's Fences
Fencing, aggregate, structures for outdoor play and discovery
Barriers for play or vehicle
Barriers for boundary or prohibiting access
Wood bridges - new and repair - by Fred's Fences
Rehabilitation or new construction of play bridges
20x20' Garden or Sandbox with playground sand
Garden or sandbox, raised, for outdoor play or discovery
Concrete shed with small walkway
Spec base and to plan
Raised gardens with triple mix soil for education
Raised gardens for discovery and outdoor play
Gaga Ballpit using brackets
Wood tunnel and boundary fencing by Fred's Fences
8x8 sandbox with playground sand and waterproof tarp
Custom stepping stools by Fred's Fences
3 heights or you choose