Commercial chainlink fencing by Fred's Fences
Commercial chainlink fencing with barb
1800’ to fulfill government-compliance spec
Gaga Ballpits for kids, by Fred's Fences
Custom deck and stage, mud kitchen, fencing, for kids
Custom triangular deck, posts, gardens, commercial fencing
Community Gardens by Fred's Fences
Commercial chainlink fencing by Fred's Fences
Commercial fencing, signage, and gates
Custom commercial gates (welded)
Raised and multi-tiered gardens by Fred's Fences
Chainlink repair for commercial and residential, by Fred's Fences
Galvanized or painted, various heights to spec, different weights to posts (Schedule 40 or Common wall)
Community and sandboxes for kids, by Fred's Fences
Barrier fences by Fred's Fences
Commercial fencing, by Fred's Fences
Barriers and boundary fencing
Raised gardens for education and discovery, by Fred's Fences
Custom welded commercial gates; new and repair
Equipment and utility enclosure fencing by Fred's Fences